

Egypt, Cairo, Cairo, 16 El Rashidy street

O-Projects Overview

10 - 49

Minimal Budget

Hourly Rate
25 - 49

Year Founded

O-Projects stands as a beacon of positive change, a global initiative for sustainable transformation. Our roots dig deep into the soil of purpose-driven innovation, aimed at fostering sustainable development, conservation, and social progress. With a dedicated network of change-makers, we embark on projects that address critical global challenges, from environmental conservation to community development. Through collaborative partnerships, pioneering research, and grassroots initiatives, O-Projects strives to create lasting impact. Our commitment to a brighter future extends to diverse ecosystems and communities around the world. Join us in our journey towards a more sustainable and equitable world, where projects foster change that resonates for generations to come.


Egypt, Cairo, Cairo, 16 El Rashidy street

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