KM Virtual Services

Virtual Assistant Services

United States, California, Grass Valley, ,

KM Virtual Services Overview

2 - 9

Minimal Budget

Hourly Rate
0 - 25

Year Founded

A Virtual Assistant is a self-employed administrative professional who provides administrative services from a remote location. So, while we won't be able to get your grande half-caff soy latte, we will be behind the scenes organizing your to-do’s so that YOU'LL have time to grab it!
In addition to saving physical office space and resources, one of the biggest perks to hiring a Virtual Assistant is the money you save on employee taxes and benefits. Working with KM Virtual Services as a 1099 contractor keeps you from paying any employee taxes like Social Security, Medicare, Worker’s Compensation, unemployment insurance, and several other pieces of paperwork that you need to file with your state and the federal government just to have an employee!


United States, California, Grass Valley, ,

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